Louisiana Homeschooling

More and more families in the United States are choosing homeschooling as a positive choice for their child's education. Louisiana is an example of this trend, with the number of homeschooled children growing every year. Navigate the wealth of information on homeschooling in Louisiana as you explore our website. We've made it easy for you to find all the tips, ideas, and information you need to successfully homeschool your children.

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Sample Letter to the State Superintendent of School
CHEF of Louisiana provides these guidelines for writing your letter of intent to home educate in the state of Louisiana under the private school law.
This is a mailing list for people who home school or are thinking of homeschooling in Louisiana, kids and parents alike. Here you can exchange ideas, support each other, and share resources and information.
RS 17:236.1 Approval of home study programs.
A. A parent or legal guardian shall apply to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for approval of a home study program. An initial application must be made within fifteen days after commencement of the program. A renewal application must be made by the first of October of the school year, or within twelve months of approval of the initial application, whichever is later. The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, upon receipt of such initial or renewal application, shall imm...
Louisiana Home School Laws from HSLDA
The Home School Legal Defense Association provides a brief summary of the homeschooling laws in Louisiana. Includes a link to a legal analysis of laws relating to homeschooling in Louisiana.
RS 17:236 Definition of a school.
For the purposes of this Chapter, a school is defined as an institution for the teaching of children, consisting of an adequate physical plant, whether owned or leased, instructional staff members, and students. For such an institution to be classified as a school, within the meaning of this Chapter, instructional staff members shall meet the following requirements: if a public day school or a nonpublic school which receives local, state, or federal funds or support, directly or indirectly, the...
Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education - Approved Home Study Program (html)
Louisiana Department of Education form. This form is in html format.
Louisiana Home Education Network (LAHEN)
Louisiana Home Education Network (LAHEN) is a statewide homeschooling network consisting of families covering a diverse spectrum of homeschooling styles and philosophies. It exists to help homeschoolers protect the fundamental right of the family to educate its children in the manner it deems appropriate without regulation or interference by federal, state or local agencies. Louisiana Home Education Network monitors and responds to legislation which may pose a threat to homeschooling, and to...
Poverty Point National Monument
Located in northeastern Louisiana, this park commemorates a culture that thrived during the first and second millennia B.C. This site, which contains some of the largest prehistoric earth works in North America, is managed by the state of Louisiana.
Louisiana Department of Education
This is the official web presence for the Louisiana Department of Education.
Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve was established to preserve signifcant examples of the rich natural and cultural resources of Louisiana's Mississippi Delta region. The park seeks to illustrate the influence of environment and history on the development of a unique regional culture. The park consists of six physically separate sites and a park headquarters located in southeastern Louisiana. The sites in Lafayette, Thibodaux, and Eunice interpret the Acadian culture of the area....
Private School Letter of Intent
Homeschoolers in Louisiana may notify the DOE of their intent to homeschool as a private school by sending in an annual letter of intent. It is not necessary to use the form that the DOE supplies. The letter may be sent within 30 days of beginning their private-school homeschool. The 30 day time frame was established as a means for the state to count the number of children in private schools at the beginning of each school year. If a homeschooling parent starts in the middle of the current schoo...
Overview of the Nonpublic Annual School Report System
If you are operating an educational program or school but do not wish to seek state approval as either an SBESE-Approved Home Study or Approved Nonpublic School, please click the link to find out how to register your nonpublic (private) school in accordance with R.S. 17:232 (C) and (D). This information is provided by the Louisiana Department of Education.
Contemporary Arts Center of New Orleans
The CAC is a multi-disciplinary arts center, featuring art exhibits and performing arts events.
Audubon Zoo
The Audubon Zoo is located in Audubon Park in New Orleans and features animal exhibits, educational programs, and special exhibits.
Westbank Homeschool Organization (WHO)
WHO is a support group based in the New Orleans area. They offer information, support, and the opportunity to network with other homeschooling families in the area.
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Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies: Understanding Style Differences in Learning and Behaviour
First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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Every parent wants to give their child the best start in life. The best way to do that is to get fully involved in their educational process as their primary influence. This book is full of helpful information, resources, and tools that will lead you...
The Unprocessed Child: Living Without School
This book shows how school is not necessary for a child to gain learning, socialization, or motivation. It offers a look at radical unschooling, a way of educating children without coercion, curriculum, or control. This look at a child who grows from...
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